Monday, December 27, 2010

RSS Feeds

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

The sites below give RSS feed options...
Rockland County News and Announcements: Schools and Libraries
This is a really neat website that gives you recent information on what is going on in Rockland County, NY (This is the county that I am from and currently reside). Separated into categories, you can choose among the subject headings (e.g., schools and libraries) and subscribe to the feed. Libraries include public and academic. I am adding this one to delicious!
Association of Colleges and Research Libraries (ACRL): NY/Metro Area Library Jobs and Events
This site posts recent information on library related events and job openings in the NY area. A nice resource for individuals who may be job hunting within the field, or who are interested in becoming involved with related events. This blog replaced their listserv. I am adding this one to delicious as well. A great resource for my area.
RSS can enhance a library or information service’s ability to meet the information needs of its users.
While I have never used RSS feeds, my limited understanding suggests that they compile the latest information for the subscriber so that searching for the information becomes unnecessary. News regarding the latest happenings within the library and the area it serves, when complied into an RSS feed for the user, would allow patrons to easily access the information they are searching for (and may call a librarian [public/academic/school media professional] about). Perhaps making such websites known is the key to getting users to use these kinds of tools. Placing links to the home page of library websites, or advertisements of some kind within the library. I was actually thinking of printing this information on the bottom of check-out receipts—you know after or before the items checked out, just like receipts from retailers…hmmm just a thought….

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