Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010
I have had several people recommend Delicious to me. Until this course however, I have never used it. I had been told that this website allowed easy access to favorite websites, and gave that the user has the opportunity to view similar websites used by other users. Interesting, but I couldn’t understand the difference (or perhaps I should say the advantage) between the favorites option on my tool bar, and the service the Delicious website offers.
So far, from what I understand, the main differences between the tool bar’s favorite’s option and the Delicious website, is that (1) favorites are/can be organized by tags (which from my understanding contributes to a method of organization, categorization, and retrieval which is created by the contributing users), and (2) the favorites of others can be shared. I have found that the more tags have been assigned to a particular URL, the easier it is to understand what the link contains. This makes for the easiest categorization. That can be very helpful. This function is far more helpful that the toolbar’s favorites function. The favorites of others…I guess this can be interesting….for both personal, academic…etc.- purposes….I would think that having this ability would be great for research. This would allow a user to find websites, articles, and any other similar information. That’s very helpful. The increase in information sharing. What information is particularly relevant would have to be explored. I suppose that’s where tags come in handy.
For the information professional…I was thinking that Delicious could be used for quick reference questions. It could be compiled over a period of time based on the questions received and what users find/have found relevant. Delicious can also be used by colleagues to share information on a variety of topics of interest within the field.
This entry is for Module 2: OLJ Assignment