Thursday, February 3, 2011

Final OLJ Blog: Evaluative Report

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010
Part (a):

Through the OLJ assignments, I have had the opportunity to not only explore various types of social networking platforms, but to engage in them and understand the theory that underlies their use. This theory, for me, is the ‘take-home’ message: The specific tools utilized are of lesser importance than the idea or concept behind these tools. The ways in which individuals are learning and communicating are changing. In order to facilitate an environment that encourages growth, the importance of these tools and their applications need to be understood. In my opinion, Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 are concepts that are slowly catching on to many information professionals. I believe this is because younger generations have grown up with many of these tools and find it easier to integrate them into their lives and creative/learning processes. Older models of learning and information seeking are becoming antiquated. Attempts must be made to merge Web 2.0 tools as they evolve and become popular with pre/existing paradigms of learning and their associated methods.
When I began this course, I had a limited understanding of these tools, let alone the concept behind them. Both personally and professionally, I could not connect to their value. Admittedly, I still have reservations regarding privacy and information sharing (see my December blog: information exposure). I do feel that regardless of the mechanisms in place on various social media platforms regarding privacy, once an individual creates or shares information on the internet, it becomes public by the very nature of the tool itself. Yet, despite this feeling I have begun to understand through this course how important these tools are. Privacy is still a matter to be considered, but with responsible use, negative ramifications become greatly minimized.
One example would be my opinion regarding Second Life. I had never used Second Life before, though I have known a few people who used it for various purposes, none of which I would have considered educational at the beginning of this course. I began, as my first post on Second Life describes, as a confused and frustrated user (see my December blog: Adventures in Social Networking Stuff…Part Three). I could not understand it’s value and had to get past technical difficulties of uploading the program and navigating within Second Life. I continually focused on the idea that individuals were forgetting about the simple pleasures of life that are not technology based. This value judgment made it difficult initially to see how Second Life presents the user with the opportunity to learn. While using Second Life, and after finally being able to visit the CSU SIS Learning Center, it began to occur to me how wonderful this program can really be for exploring and learning. For me, the idea of being able to visit learning and information centers that exist all over the world was an amazing realization. There are so many places I would love to visit and learn from, and I can only imagine that many, many people feel this way. I am fortunate in the fact that I live approximately forty-five minutes from Manhattan. I live in a beautiful, quiet, historic part of the United States, and yet I am close enough to still have access to resources like the New York Public Library, Central Park, The Rubin Museum of Art, the MET, the Guggenheim, and the MoMa. As I began exploring Second Life, it occurred to me that using such a tool did not have to be about forgoing what I often refer to as “real-life” (i.e., face-to-face encounters, physical activity etc.-), but it could be about (according to the user) enhancing real-life (see my January blog: Second Life). Programs like Second Life can give the user the opportunity to experience (albeit in a virtual world) and learn about things they may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in or gain exposure to.
The environments fostered by various Web 2.0 tools can be confusing to the uninitiated. The idea that these tools co-opt more traditional ways of learning can lead many (myself included) to be dismissive of these tools and/or against their use entirely. Learning about these tools (who is using what tool and why), exploring what works for one’s needs (educational needs, basic information sharing, teaching with tools that reach students, etc.-) and what the benefits and drawbacks are of each tool is essential.
It is also essential that one considers his or her own personal preferences (as a writer, I love blogs, I have found Delicious to be a wonderful way of organizing information I find, I entertain myself and learn from YouTube, and enjoy creating Wiki’s, which I do quite often) when choosing which tools to use. In this way, the learning does not cease, but is enhanced for all who participate. Personal strengths can be matched to various needs and desires (especially important when trying to reach a specific population). These tools will continue to change rapidly, yet the message behind them remains the same: It is the experience and process of being an active participant in learning and creating, of knowledge seeking and sharing. To me, that is truly real-life enhancing!

Part (b):

Before beginning this course, I believed that an individual’s immersion in social networking tools depended primarily on whether or not the individual had become accustomed to using these tools at an early age. This course has taught me that this notion is changing rapidly. Yes, many of the articles I have read for this course explained how entrenched young people are in social networking activity, and how they are more apt to learn when engaged in a way that meets their learning style, but many individuals who did not grow up with these tools are also engaging in their use both personally and professionally. Further, these are the individuals who are guiding younger generations regarding safe internet use and effective research skills.
While it is imperative that social networking tools are explored and utilized by anyone guiding young people to better meet their needs (e.g., parents, teachers, information professionals, and members of helping professions, like school counselors), it is equally important to understand that regardless of age or previous experience with internet tools, more and more people rely upon Web 2.0 tools to meet their needs, whether to enhance the creative process, as a marketing tool for companies, to receive up-to-date news alerts, or to access information on any topic imaginable.
In general, as an information professional, the value and dominance of the use of these tools must be appreciated. As a librarian, I believe that it is imperative to integrate the use of these tools. Seeing them as invalid, completely unreliable, or as a threat does not serve patrons or the library system as a whole. Just as card catalogs are now on the computer, librarians need to see that the way information is being accessed and created is changing. For me, the librarian’s/my goal is to be an effective guide to access information. It always has been in my opinion. With new avenues of accessing information comes the need for individuals who know how to navigate through misinformation and unreliable resources, and who can convey effective methods that empower the patron. Perhaps this is the mission for the 2.0 Librarian. It is one that I would be happy to engage in.
As an information professional engaging with young people, the goal (or rather goals) becomes more complex. Guidance is paramount. Learning and creativity cannot and should not be stifled at this stage of development. Intellectual freedom and perceptions of control help foster a positive sense of self. Yet many adults fear for young people using these tools. Often they feel that the educational value of the tools is lost in a sea of potentially harmful content. It is easy to forget the underlying role and purpose of these tools (especially as educational methods), the information it contains and it’s various methods of being created and shared: to aid young people in their search for creative outlets, education, information seeking, critical thinking skills, and self-reliance.
Yes the fear of negative exposure or possible negative off-line implications are real, but the ways to combat these problems cannot be to eliminate their use entirely. To effectively reach students, these tools are necessary. With the rise of mobile devices, it is nearly impossible to stop students from using these tools on or off school property, so why not incorporate the tools in the classroom? Teach students how these tools can be used effectively and safely, and where to go and how to ask for help in a safe, non-judgmental environment (connecting students to information professionals). Engage in the creation of clear concise policies that outline acceptable use and why other use is prohibited. Collaborate with students to include their concerns in regards to policies that affect them and their education. I think the best method; the method I would like to employ when working with young people, is to make them partners in their own learning processes. Combining the tools they enjoy and are comfortable with along with guidance and an understanding of what is needed to serve student needs and organization/school needs. This collaborative method of learning is what the Web 2.0 tools (and beyond) are all about!

OLJ Assignment: Articles Posted to Delicious on Policy

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010
·         Search Engine: Google Scholar
o   Search Terms: Social Networking Policy in Schools
Cain, J. (2008). Online social networking issues within academia and pharmacy education. American Journal of Pharmacology Education, 72, 10.
While this article has a specific student body in mind (pharmacology students in a Kentucky college), it discusses the reasons why restrictions are placed on internet tools that could be considered social networking platforms, and how social networking can enhance or hinder both a student’s professional image as well as the institution in which the student(s) are trained.
·         Search Engine: Ebsco Host
o   Search Terms: Social Media Policy in Schools
Kroski, E. (2009). Should your library have a social media policy? School Library Journal, October, 44-46.
This very short article discusses the need for clearly written and enforced policies regarding the use of social media platforms. The article describes what should be considered when creating policies (e.g., pre-existing company policies), and some difficulties that can arise in different environments (school, public library). Employer/Employee relations in regards to the use of social media are discussed.
·         Search Engine: Ebsco Host
o   Search Terms: Social Networking Policy in Schools
Notley, T. (2008). Online network use in schools: Social and educational opportunities. Youth Studies Australia, 27, 20-29.
Focused on Australian school systems, this article examines school policies that ban the use of social media platforms.  The author discusses why such bans were enacted (e.g., the protection of students), and the pitfalls of such bans (e.g., the lack of integration of potentially educational technologies). The article explains the need for a revision of such policies to so that students can utilize these tools safely, effectively, and creatively.
Harris, C. (2010). Friend Me? School Library Journal, 56, 16.
This article discusses concerns regarding interactions on social media platforms between school employees and the student body. The article explains the need for policies regarding how school employees (and schools as a whole) wish to utilize these social media platforms. Further, the article discusses the need for clear school policies regarding appropriate use and professional conduct while utilizing these sites, with an emphasis on protecting schools, staff and students alike.
Oppenhuizen, K. (2008). Schools make rules for social networking. USA Today, July, 1.
This article focuses on the sports division of 27 American colleges, and how social networking policies have been and continue to be created to protect their athletes/students and the schools’ reputation. The article discusses the differences between colleges depending on the school/departments goals and needs for social networking. The article also includes interesting ways some schools are approaching social media, and who is deciding what is considered acceptable or appropriate content.

Edits of Posts

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Whew! So I just went through every post I have made to add the class/student information that begins this post. I didn't realize that it was best to include this information when I first began posting...that took a while but it's all done now. Hopefully, I didn't miss any posts! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

OLJ Assignment: Policy for Employee Use of Social Media Platforms

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

5 Key Points for Social Media Policy: employees use of Web 2.0 tools and spaces for work and personal use while using the organizations’ computers/network and time.
1.)  How do we want to use these social media platforms? How can they benefit the company/school.
2.)  What are the goals for using these platforms?
3.)  What is acceptable conduct for meeting these goals?
4.)  Which platforms are best to use for meeting these goals?
5.)  What rules/guidelines will be of the greatest benefit, and what are the consequences for violating these rules?
Every company or organization needs to assess what tools they would like to incorporate and why. The goals will vary from organization to organization (marketing, educational, informative), yet the methods used to evaluate which tools are of the greatest benefit and the goals of their use are the same. Research and consultation with all parties involved in their use as well as technology professionals. Is the goal to share ideas and communicate with the patrons of a library or parents and students within a district? Is it to engage students with learning methods that will pique their interests? Is it for interoffice collaboration? Assessing goals and needs as well as what platforms are relevant is of primary importance.
Schools/organizations etc.- also need to create comprehensive rules/guidelines for the use of these technologies. These should be based on the goals created as well as policies regarding proper conduct, privacy, and professional behavior already in place to protect staff, students, patrons, districts etc.-These rules should be very clearly delineated. All individuals who participate in the use of these technologies should be aware in writing of these policies and have the opportunity to agree or disagree with the rules and regulations. If individuals disagree, they should have the right to refuse participation or to have their opinion heard. Additionally, disciplinary actions which may occur as the result of violating the policy should also be clearly created, enforced, and understood by all participants, and/or those affected by the policy.

OLJ Assignment: "Take-Home" Messages for Information Professionals

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

The Three Articles Read for this OLJ Assignment:
Lorenzo, G. (2007). Catalysts for change: Information fluency, Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the new education culture. (March). Retrieved from

Wittenberg, K. (2007). Credibility of content and the future of research, learning, and publishing in the digital environment. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 10(1). Available;cc=jep;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0010.101 

Sessions, L.F. (2009). “You looked better on MySpace”: Deception and authenticity on Web 2.0, First Monday, 14(7), 6 July. Available

The “Take-Home” Messages for Information Professionals:
1.    How relevant libraries and library professionals are to students depends, in part, on what Lorenzo (2007) calls “information fluency”.
2.    Training students on how and where to gain accurate information must be done in ways that students can relate to. The tools they utilize must be incorporated or students will be less likely to accept the information given.
Part One-Library/Librarian Relevancy:
The internet provides a vast amount of information that younger generations are not only accustomed to but are completely comfortable with. How adept students are with using the internet for scholarly purposes depends greatly on both their own development and how they are taught to use these tools. Regardless of critical thinking skills, these students use the internet because they are comfortable searching and finding their own information. This can provide a great sense of empowerment. So, how can students become “information fluent” (Lorenzo, 2007)? By this, I mean how can they analyze what sources of information are accurate, and when they should ask for assistance in retrieving and validating information.
I believe that first, students need to feel comfortable asking for assistance when they need it, without feeling as if they are feeling judged for their methods or lack of knowledge. Second, students should be taught from early on why certain information is not reliable or valid. In this way, students can learn not only how to search for information and use the large amount of tools the internet provides, but they can feel comfortable turning to information professionals to help show them how to get this information while maintaining a sense of empowerment and control.
Part Two-Teaching and Assisting Students with Information Retrieval:
So, students need to be information savvy, and information professionals need to stay relevant, right? Well, meeting these goals requires that both students and information professionals learn about information, their sources, and how to convey the message behind information retrieval. Students need to learn about the role of the information professional and how to be “information fluent”, in a way that they will easily accept and understand. If students are most comfortable utilizing the internet, then attempts to teach either without the use of this technology, or by downplaying it’s role/importance in information retrieval won’t work. Information professionals need to learn about these tools, their benefits and pitfalls, and convey these messages in a language and method that is congruent with students interests and learning styles (e.g., visually, via internet tools). The information professional then expands his or her knowledge, and students expand theirs, not only of how to evaluate information that is retrieved, but on the role and necessity of a little guidance.

Monday, January 31, 2011

OLJ Assignment: Privacy and Trust on the Internet

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Articles Read:
Raynes-Goldie, K. (2010). Aliases, creeping, and wall cleaning: Understanding privacy in the age of Facebook, First Monday, 15(1), 4 January. Available 
Davis, L. (2009). 8 tools to track your footprints on the Web, February 1. Available
Harris, C. (2010). Friend me?: School policy may address friending students online, School Library Journal, 1 April. Available

Privacy when using social media tools has always been a big concern for me. Regardless of guidelines regarding how these tools are supposed to be used and how information is stored, it is not incredibly difficult to understand that there are ways around these rules and the devices used to supposedly insure privacy. Personally, I feel that the best way to avoid any difficulty is to restrict what you share on these tools. As far as sharing information (pictures, thoughts, comments, personal/background information) is concerned, I feel that no one should upload or post anything that they would not feel comfortable letting the world at large see. Since, quite honestly, when a user adds information to the internet, that is essentially what they are doing. Privacy blocks are weak and are easy to circumvent. Years from now, this information will still be floating around somewhere out there in a virtual land that cannot be adequately controlled.
Raynes-Goldie’s article only provides support for my thoughts. It is a virtual world, so it’s not quite real. It is filled with illusory substance and half-truths. Can it be fun, educational, real life enhancing? Sure. Can it be used as a tool for creating chaos in the wrong hands? Absolutely. Bullying, harassment, stalking…all can be made easier in this virtual world which is so often treated as a harmless tool that is removed from real life.
Davis’ article just made me think of how ironic it is that individuals who are posting personal information are concerned about who is seeing this information. If the concern is there, why put this information out there in the first place? I can understand young adolescents doing this due to a lack of adequate abstract thinking skills, which impairs the ability to understand the ramifications of present actions on the future, regardless of attempts to educate. I cannot understand this behavior from individuals who are supposed to be able to understand this form of thinking and the consequences of various behaviors.
Within school/library settings, professionals should not wait for guidelines to be made, like those in Harris’ article. One must think of how they would interact with students outside of the virtual world. Proper conduct is proper conduct. Just because it is not face-to-face does not make the encounters any less meaningful.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

OLJ Assignment: YouTube & Public Library Policy

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

For this OLJ task, I read Valenza’s (2008) When YouTube is blocked (way more than eight ways around), and Bertot, Jaeger, McClure, Wright, & Jensen’s (2009) Public libraries and the Internet 2008-2009: Issues, implications, and challenges.
While these articles were different in regards to subject matter, I could not help but to think of these topics in terms of how they affect school aged children.
Valenza’s view of YouTube seemed a bit harsh (stating that the majority of content was basically vulgar). The author stated that the educational content of the site and it’s videos was buried, but that it was perhaps necessary to circumvent any policies that blocked YouTube in order to utilize it's educational content. I, like many of the individuals who commented on the article found this disturbing. Valenza’s harsh critique of YouTube (I frequent the site and have honestly never found content that was inappropriate, in order to access such content, you need to sign in) seemed invalidated by her approach to policy that blocks YouTube (ignore and circumvent). Her seemingly dishonest approach made her critique of YouTube’s content laughable. Does her approach seek to aid teachers and information professionals by encouraging the same dishonest behavior discouraged in school-aged children? Yes, I believe it does. Access to sites like YouTube in the schools or no access at all. Stating that the site is banned within schools by students and encouraging teachers and information professionals to find ways around the policy seems shady at best.
Bertot et. al’s research on the state of technology in public libraries was also disturbing. It would appear that a fair amount of libraries are having difficulty keeping up with the needs of patrons. I cannot help but to think of how this affects school-aged children who need to utilize the library to complete their assignments. Many of these libraries do not have enough computers. Further, many libraries have a time limit in regards to how long a patron can use the library during one visit. An hour on the internet flies by! It simply isn’t enough time to conduct research for schoolwork, or even to explore the internet for entertainment and/or creative purposes. These children will surely be left behind in an age of technology if they do not have adequate access to computers and the internet. Many of us are fortunate enough not to have to think about this issue, but it is a growing concern. How can library policies meet the needs of patrons if the resources are not available to enable accommodation?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

OLJ Assignment: Policy on Internet Use

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Five Shifts or Trends that Impact Online Behavior:
1.       The digital environment is far faster than what could be traditional methods of communication and formal information sources (e.g., newspapers, print book publishing).
2.       Access to digital tools is only increasing…it's not just a select few using these tools as it may have been 15 years ago.
3.       Online advertising is reaching a greater amount of people than print or television advertising.
4.       The focus has shifted to creating and sharing knowledge as opposed to a static online environment that did not encourage user contribution.
5.       The sites allow for quicker communication and ways to generate revenue than marketing campaigns that do not utilize online social networking tools
Online Behavior, Adolescents, and Library Policy:
When I think of the need for creating policy regarding digital information, my first thoughts are of how important policy is when working with young people. Within any library setting, but perhaps most importantly, in a school library setting, it is extremely important to define a policy for how these tools can and should be used. The delineations of such policies need to be clear and concise to protect patrons, information professionals, and in within schools, the schools themselves.
When dealing with an adolescent population, for example, it becomes important to remember that regardless of explanation or education regarding the use of the internet and its associated online tools, developmentally, many adolescents are late in developing abstract thinking skills. That is, in many cases it will be nearly impossible for the adolescent with weak or non-existent abstract conceptual skills to understand the ramifications of present behavior on the future. This is not something that can be understood unless the adolescent is physiologically at the developmental point to understand this concept in the abstract. Without this understanding, it becomes of great importance to have guidelines be in place to ensure that these tools are used with the minimal amount of damage possible, in the present and in the future.
Information exposure, cyberbullying, and a host of other difficulties with long lasting ramifications are present to the adolescent. Policy makers must insure that they not only create guidelines that protect the students, but the staff, library, and district (when applicable).
Such policies should include appropriate conduct and the immediate consequences for violation of appropriate online conduct. Yes, it is important to explain why the policies are in place from several perspectives, but in the event that these explanations are minimized or not fully understood, the immediate consequence of violating the guidelines will serve to help prevent adolescents from creating dangerous situations.

OLJ Assignment: Marketing Strategies in the Library

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Since I have limited exposure to the inner workings of library operations, and marketing in general, I can only speculate on what strategies would be effective. This speculation is based on my general knowledge regarding library functioning, and as such would only be a basic outline of how to approach the creation of an effective marketing strategy. I would imagine that the first step would be to encourage or persuade librarians, library directors, and sources of funding/budgeting of the importance of marketing the library to its current--and perhaps more importantly--potential patrons. The importance of such an endeavor must be agreed upon in order to effectively develop a plan that will reach targeted audiences. The second step would be to assess the library’s needs. This could be accomplished in several ways, including analyzing recent trends within the library and among targeted patrons. Goal assessment, or the anticipated or desired result of marketing efforts would also need to be included. Third, analyzing what has worked in other libraries! I think this is very important. By seeing what has (and what has not) worked in libraries with similar patrons can help avoid bad marketing strategies. The next consideration would be deciding which marketing tools and strategies would be most effective. Again, this can be decided by carefully assessing the targeted audience for the marketing venture and the desired outcome. After defining the scope of a marketing strategy and its targeted audience and potential outcomes, funding and budgeting considerations must be considered including what kind of IT support could or would be necessary to achieve the library’s goals.

OLJ Assignment: Reasons Why Libraries Should Be On Social Media

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Below are three reasons why libraries should be on social media:
·         Tappan Library
·         New City Library
·         Suffern Library
1.)    Patrons are using these sites!
For a variety of reasons (e.g., professional networking, contact with friends and family) library patrons are using social media websites. The time individuals spend using the internet is only increasing, as is the use of social networking websites. Yet, library website use is not increasing in this way. In order to engage patrons, libraries should seek to advertise library events and stay current by utilizing websites like Facebook.
2.)    Social Networking tools are easy to use!
Patrons use these websites because they are an efficient way to connect with others (people, organizations, groups, etc.-). If libraries seek to connect with their patrons, they should not only use these tools, but feature the links to these tools on their webpages. Links to these sites should be easy to find and engaging. Suffern Library, for example, uses Facebook, but the links are not a feature on their website. The Tappan Library has very clear and engaging graphics to all of the social networking tools they employ. Using and featuring these tools on webpages and being active on these sites is an easy way to connect with patrons.
3.)    Receive feedback from library patrons and library staff!

Social Media tools are not only great tools for patrons to stay connected and share ideas with each other (Facebook, Flickr), but they are also wonderful ways to get feedback from patrons and library staff. The New City Library, for example, makes great use of blogs. The library director and several librarians maintain blogs regarding their thoughts on the library. They encourage blog use by patrons and seek feedback on topics. This is a great way to connect patrons to the library, and library staff to what is current among library patrons, making it easier to assess the needs and desires of the library as a whole.

Friday, January 21, 2011

OLJ Assignment: Utecht’s 5 stages of PLN adoption

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Based on Utecht’s 5 stages of PLN adoption I would say that I am somewhere between Stage 1 (Immersion) and Stage 2 (Evaluation). I have really only begun creating connections via Web 2.0 tools. The exploration of various social networking tools is a direct result of this course. I have gotten involved in the social networking tools that have been outlined as a part of this class. The only networking tool I used before this course was Facebook, and I did not use it regularly. I am still learning about other tools (I have a particular interest in blogs, and have been exploring them for both personal and professional use.
As a result of my explorations, I am also realizing which tools work best for me. As I engage in their use, I am learning which tools are a good fit for my needs (both personal and professional), my interests and personality. While there are a great many tools out there, I think it is very important to assess what works for you and why, as these tools can seem overwhelming at the least. Forcing one’s self to participate in the use of networking tools that are either not of interest to the user or that do not provide the user with what they are searching for does not bring any benefit and can actually turn an individual away from all social networking tools, which defeats the purpose of these tools as a whole. When the user finds tools that are useful and engaging, he or she will seek out similar tools. That creates a greater amount of learning focused toward one’s interests and goals.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Librarian 2.0 OLJ Assignment

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

In a web 2.0 world and beyond, the 2.0 Librarian should be flexible concerning the specific tools currently being used, as these tools will continue to change and evolve. This creates the needs for these librarians to become comfortable operating outside of what may presently be their comfort zone. Technologies used need to be valued, understood and appreciated by the 2.0 Librarian. The technicians also need to be valued in a collaborative way rather than battled against. In this way, the positive aspects of these merging fields can be utilized to their greatest capacity.
In addition to understanding and having an appreciation of the various web 2.0 tools, 2.0 librarian need to stay current on the evolving preferences of patrons. These preferences, once understood (which is a continuous process) allows the librarian to attract and patrons and meet their needs and desires.
An openness and curiosity for what will work for patrons is paramount. It is also necessary to understand what will work professionally for all librarians and libraries within a given library system, as these libraries need to work together to plan for all of their patrons as a whole. This is becoming increasingly important as more and more patrons utilize services such as ILL and e-books/video/music etc.-. The 2.0 librarian should immerse his or her self in the use of these technologies, current and evolving trends among patrons and colleagues alike.

Effective Website Design: OLJ Assignment

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

My criteria for effective website design:
1.)            Engaging home page with easy to access menu features
2.)            Clear links to Web 2.0 features, links library blogs
3.)            Advertising of the use of social media tools
4.)            Advertising of upcoming events and programs, including gaming
5.)            Videos and podcast use (for events, library tools, databases)
6.)            Separate kids/teen/adult webpage/links
7.)            Recommended reading by age group/genre
8.)            Accurate and easy to find/use search boxes
9.)            Facebook/MySpace/twitter/phone app links
10.)          Account accessibility and functionality
Suffern Free Library, Suffern, NY
The Suffern Free Library’s website: The website will be critiqued here based upon the above criteria.
1.) The library’s website has a clearly designed home page with easy to access menu features. General areas have clear links including: events and exhibits, kids stuff, teens and tweens, books and more, about your library, library account, catalog, and databases.

2.) Under teens and tweens is a link to Book Banter. This page provides links to discussion groups, ebooks/audio/video, teen events and teen reviews.

3.) The search option has a jump menu which includes a link to blogs. Blogs listed include Career Help, Tween’s Blog, We Love to Read, and What’s Up with Ms. Jennifer (the teen librarian). The home page features “What’s New”. This includes the use of text messaging for library holds and due dates. I had difficulty trying to find the advertising of other social media tools like facebook, myspace, or twitter.

4.) I found information on gaming on the home page and under several links, including the teen/tween links.

5.) I could not locate videos or podcasts easily.

6.) The website does have separate pages for various age groups and

7.) recommended reading.

8.) While the search box on the home page is a jump menu, other pages have an open search box 

9.) The only phone links I could find were those on the home page regarding texting.

10.) Account accessibility was easy. Accounts and various databases could be accessed from the home page.

Building Academic Library 2.0: OLJ Assignment--Five Key Points

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

Several good points were brought up during this conference. First comes the understanding that access to information has and continues to develop. This initially was considered web 1.0. Gone are the days in which every reference question needed to be answered within the physical library. While not all information is valid, access is easy with search engines like Google. This, as the video points out, is driving libraries to be competitive. They need to stay on the cutting edge of technology and its use, which is not static. Web 2.0 allows the consumer to become the creator, which is engaging more and more users. In order for libraries to stay relevant, they must integrate these tools in an effective manner. This begins with knowing the user. The patrons of any given library are diverse within their specific needs. What engages one age group or the patrons of one specific library will not engage all. The technology needs vary greatly.
Knowing these needs is paramount to planning what technologies should be integrated into libraries. Individuals who specialize in these various technologies and library staff need to work together to plan what programs and tools will best serve their population. This partnership can be mutually beneficial and can bring out the most positive aspects and skills of both professions. Further, this partnership is key in insuring that the patrons are served in a secure manner (including protecting patron privacy) without undue worry over the use of technology as a learning tool. While a large grey area exists, as the video explains, attempts at clarifying parameters of the use of these tools will go a long way toward ensuring that the patrons are being served in the most effective manner possible. This will enable libraries of all kinds to stay relevant regardless of what technologies may evolve and develop from web 2.0.

A-Z of Social Networking: OLJ Library Entry

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010
Suffern Free Library, Suffern, NY
While the Suffern Library tends to make good use of Web 2.0 tools, and continues to integrate the use of these tools more and more, the library might benefit from the following tools:
U—U Stream, V—Videos and P--Podcasting
Either streaming live (UStream) or through videos (such as the very engaging “Library Minutes” presented by ASU), the Suffern library would be able to engage and inform its users on the many tools available.
I—Interesting to Y--Youth
These videos strams or videos would have to be interesting. This is especially important to engage young patrons, who seem to be exploring and utilizing their local libraries less frequently. If videos are dry or are in lecture format, the young patrons will be less inclined to view them.

ASU Library OLJ Entry: The 4C’s of Web 2.0--Collaboration, Conversation, Community and Content co/creation

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay--Fall 2010

1.)    Silent Dance @ Hayden Library
This is an amazing idea! The students seem to be having an amazing time while strengthening ties with their academic library and fellow students. From what I understand, the dance was organized by students for students through Facebook. The students needed to work together to have a successful event (mainly through a Facebook invite, I would imagine).
Social events for students that don’t generally rely on the use of Web 2.0 technologies are great ways to relieve stress and often are created by the collaborative efforts of a few. Those created through a social networking tool allow for greater communication and flow of ideas among the student organizers and attendees. I would imagine that such events give students a very positive feeling of creative control. This only enhances their learning and exploring processes.
2.)    A very Special Library Minute
A funny, short video that engages library users! The video was about how to keep your belongings safe from thieves! I loved the use of the guys from Chips as campus police! Videos like this one make you pay attention and receive the message being conveyed.
3.)    Library Minute: Printing          4.) Library Minute : Tunes for Finals          

 5.) LM: Ebsco
These library minute videos are a great way of creating a sense of community among the patrons of the library, and the library and its staff.  They are informative and engaging. They also inform students/users of the technologies available at their library, from search tools to music that can be downloaded.
The use of videos to inform and engage users regarding what their library has to offer and how to use/access these tools is a very valuable idea. Students enjoy accessing YouTube videos, and if they are done in a fun way, students will learn a great deal from them. These videos are also helpful to students who have questions about library resources. This can be especially helpful during those times when a librarian may not be available. If for example, you need to write a paper and its 2 am and you need to know how to search for specific information, these videos can help students. Videos on Google scholar and the use of Ebsco host are informative and engaging.

Second Life

Shirley Garcia
Student ID #: 11468539
Info 506: Social Networking for Information Professionals
Lyn Hay—Fall 2010

After a bit of difficulty, I am finally navigating through the world of Second Life. It definitely takes getting used to (even though I read the tutorial, I still have difficulty sitting!). Second life, from the aspect of education is actually quite interesting. Yes, I am still learning, but I was quite happy when I was finally able to be teleported to the CSU Learning Center! I am still learning about how to view materials, but this will come with time and practice. My first thought was of how amazing it would be if users from all over the world could visit the MoMa, or the MET or the Rubin, all through Second Life! This technology can allow people who would never otherwise have the opportunity to engage in really wonderful experiences. No, they probably won’t be able to taste the gelato at the MoMa (which is delicious by the way!), but maybe their avatar can stop by the cafĂ© in between exhibits!